공식배너1번 Official Banner 1/3
by : Team Goodboy Indonesia
Share your talent. Send your banners here: https://forms.gle/e1MLjYiynLUs8XbB8
💙By default, the system selects the top 3 square photos with the highest votes as our full banner. Make sure that you place your votes on any of the 3 official banners, considering that ‘Banner 1/3’ gets the most votes followed by ‘2/3’ and then ‘3/3’.
🎁Get 10% ❤️ rebate if you place a minimum of 100 votes to any of the official banner posts anytime of the day.
💙💙When uploading personal posts, it is always safe to post non-squared photos to maintain our banner intact since they can’t be displayed on top. Square posts might break the 3 official banners if it gets more votes than them.
🌱 우리 배너를 유지하는 방법
💙하트수가 가장 많은 정사각 포스트 3개가 배너로 선정되므로 자신의 포스트에 투표 시 배너 포스트 하트수를 확인요망.
💙💙정사각이 아닌 원본/프리사이즈로 업로드 된 사진과 링크는 하트수가 많아도 배너에 올라가지 않음. 프리사이즈라도 그 사이즈가 정사각인경우는 🙅🏻♀️