December 15, 2024, 1:36 AM
Banner 1/3 💜 By: Inma_Dreamer🌸
♡~ Hello we are No Min Woo’s banner Dreamers club. We invite you to be part of this international group to support our Multitalented Icon~Minue to climb the list. ~♡ Join us 💕
Contact any of the Banner Team members in the chat room or drop your message in the comment section, if you are interested in joining the Team or add us in Instagram accounts:
🌸 Inma_Dreamer🌸
🌸 Cutie_dreamer01
🌸 _lahatiel_
->Please don't break the banner for at least 24 hours!
->Don't vote on other square photos, thank you!
How to collect hearts?
💟 Daily Hearts [DH] expires everyday at 23:30 KST
Heart attendance (100💜 + bonus level)
Heart box (7, 20, 100, 1000💜) every 4hrs
Hearts from friends (300 friends Max.)
Hot time bonus [20:00-23:30] (30💜)
💟 Ever Hearts [EH] doesn't expire unless used/voted